Adrenal Hypertrophy – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments

Hyperaldosteronism, also known as hyperadrenocorticism, is a common condition of the adrenals


Hyperaldosteronia can be either primary hyperaldosteronism, which is caused by excessive secretion of Adrenalin (Adrenalin, epinephrine and cortisol) by one adrenal gland or both adrenals (binary hyperaldosteronemia) simultaneously.


Primary hyperaldosteronism is often caused by either overactivity in at least one adrenal gland or a biliary tumor (benign tumor). Benign tumors are usually caused by adrenocorticotrophic tumors or hyperplasia of the adrenals, which is an inherited disorder where the adrenals are enlarged and the adrenal cortex is increased in size and thus producing too much cortisol.


Benign tumors in adrenals may be present at birth but are rarely detected because they are often associated with other conditions such as adrenal adenomas or tumors of the adrenals, which are not related to the adrenal glands. Adrenocorticotrophic tumors are usually found in adults and rarely in children.


Benign tumors in adrenals often cause symptoms similar to hyperaldosteronism. These include, fever, fatigue, chills, sweating, tremors, muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure, frequent urination, dry skin, decreased sex drive, and difficulty in breathing. In severe cases, the symptoms can worsen to the point where sleep is impossible. In the most serious cases, adrenocorticotrophic tumors may invade the adrenal, pituitary gland and cause it to enlarge or malfunction.


In the case of adrenal, pituitary tumor, symptoms include fever, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, decreased sex drive, decreased production of progesterone, enlarged spleen, enlarged testes, and enlarged liver. The diagnosis of adrenal tumor requires a biopsy, particularly if the tumor has been present for a long time or if the tumor is not responding to conventional therapy. In most of the cases, adrenal tumors are treated with surgery. However, in some rare cases, chemotherapy or radioactive iodine are used.


The exact cause of adrenal hypertrophy is unknown, but a number of factors exist, including: high adrenaline levels during fetal development; genetics; hyperaldosteronism; hyperglycemia (hyperglycemia is a condition in which there is excess blood sugar in the body; hypercholesterolemia is a condition in which the body has high blood cholesterol levels; hyperthyroidism is a condition in which there is an overproduction of thyroid hormone and disease endocrine system and heredity causes the adrenal glands to be overactive.Corticosteroids, which are used to treat hypercholesterolemia, can also cause adrenal hypertrophy.However, adrenocorticosteroid drugs have no known side effects.


Treatment of adrenal hypertrophy with adrenocorticotrophic steroids usually does not cause serious side effects and results in an improvement in the patient's symptoms over a period of several days, and sometimes several weeks. Corticosteroids, taken at lower doses than those recommended, are effective in treating hyperaldosteronism.



Corticosteroid medication should be used cautiously if a patient has a history of hyperaldosteroneosis or is at risk of adrenocorticotrophic carcinoma. The best way to prevent the development of adrenocorticoma in patients with these conditions is to prevent adrenal hyperaldosteronemia from occurring in the first place.


Patients with adrenal hypertrophy should avoid smoking and alcohol, because these factors can trigger adrenal hyperplasia and increase the likelihood of adrenal cancer. Smoking and alcohol can also interfere with corticosteroid therapy.


Some patients with adrenal hypertrophy may not respond well to conventional treatment and may need surgery. In such cases, surgery may be used instead of taking the prescribed anti-cancer drugs, in order to remove all of the adrenals and prevent the adrenal tumor from regrowing. However, surgery should never be done unless all other treatments have failed.


Patients with adrenal hypertrophy can sometimes be treated with acupuncture. Certain herbs, such as Ginkgo biloba, can improve hormonal balance, which can relieve symptoms and slow down the growth of adrenal tumors.


There are also many herbs that can be used in the treatment of adrenal hypertrophy and, in particular Chinese herbal medicines can be used to treat patients with this condition. Herbal remedies do not have any side effects, so they are highly popular in the alternative medicine community. Some of these herbs are:




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