How Effective is Sulfa Antibiotics For Bacterial Vaginosis?

Sulfa has been used for many years to help kill bacteria and infections and in fact many doctors are recommending it


Some people use it in very small amounts but if you are suffering from recurring bacterial vaginosis or you already have it then it is important that you take the proper precautions. The following is some information on Sulfasalazine and what you need to know.


Sulfa is a class that includes antibiotics, which are also known as sulfa antibiotics or sulfa medications. The sulfa antibiotics include all classes of antimicrobial drugs which are known as sulfonamides. The original antibiotic sulfo-aminosalicylates are synthetic antibacterial agents which contain the sulfo-amino group. They are effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and can be used to treat both oral and vaginal infections.


Sulfa antibiotics kill the bacteria on the surface of your skin, inside your vagina and on the inside of your mouth. The reason they work so well is because they prevent the growth of bacteria back into your body. Unfortunately sometimes when you stop taking the medication for some reasons this bacteria grows back and starts causing more damage. This is why you need to keep on taking the medication to get rid of the bacteria that is growing back.


One of the side effects of taking sulfa antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis is that you may experience a sore throat. This can be caused by the build up of anaerobic bacteria which are anaerobic bacteria that live in the absence of oxygen. The anaerobic bacteria break down the food material in your vagina and in the process produce hydrogen peroxide, which is what causes the sore throat. The good news is that sulfuric antibiotics cannot harm the good bacteria but they will cause a reduction in the numbers of the friendly bacteria. This means that the levels of beneficial bacteria are not the same in your vagina area as they would be in other areas of your body and this causes an overgrowth of bacteria.


Sulfa antibiotics are not only used for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis but also for treating some forms of cancer. The sulfites produced by the anaerobic bacteria have been found to be very damaging to certain forms of breast cancer and in some cases it has been shown to be a factor in causing the death of human mammary cells. In one study the researchers discovered that there was a correlation between the levels of bacteria in the vagina and breast cancer incidence. You should always consult with your doctor before you start taking sulfa antibiotics as he or she may recommend another type of treatment that will provide better results.


It is important that pregnant women do not take sulfa antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis and you should only take them if you are sure that you are not pregnant. Pregnant women can experience serious complications such as miscarriage and there are also studies that show that women who have been on sulfa antibiotics during pregnancy may suffer complications during delivery.


Oral antibiotics are different. Oral antibiotics are taken by mouth and are not metabolized in the liver and are therefore excreted in the urine. This means that there is less chance of a reaction between the two with the food you consume. Sulfasalazine-based drugs are prescribed for people with antibiotic-resistant diseases such as streptococcal sore throat or dermatophytosis of the feet.


Most antibiotics used to treat bacterial vaginosis and other types of infections can cause side effects such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, gastritis, vomiting and loss of appetite, and in some cases, they can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor about the possible side effects you may experience and whether they outweigh the benefits you get. If you do decide to take sulfa antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis, you should be aware of all the side effects to avoid them. Always remember to talk to your doctor before taking any medication, especially if you are pregnant.





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