The Facts About Statin Drugs

Statins, sometimes referred to as triglycerides-lowering medication, are an important category of cholesterol-lowering medicines which reduce mortality and disease in people who are at very high risk for cardiovascular disease. They are considered to be the most effective cholesterol-lowering treatments available today. However, states are not without side effects and need to be used with caution.


The stations contain a number of different agents, which have different effect on the body. Some of them increase the levels of HDL, others reduce LDL cholesterol and still others have a dual action. There is also another class of statin called eicosanoids. These are usually taken in combination with the statin for better results. Statins also help to lower cholesterol by inhibiting the conversion of LDL to HDL cholesterol.


Statins can be taken in both prescription and non-prescription forms. It is advisable to take them with food as a meal. While some people will not be able to tolerate the side effects of the statins due to other health issues, taking them with food will ensure that they do not become harmful.


There is a misconception that all statin drugs are safe and effective


This is not true because all these drugs have their own side effects. However, they are effective and safe when taken in combination with the right diet and exercise plan.


Some people think that the statin drugs can make them feel like having a heart attack or even that it will cause permanent damage to their body. This is not true. Statins help to reduce blood cholesterol and this helps the body to reduce blood pressure.


There are also other side effects that can affect the way your body functions when you are on these drugs. Statin drugs may cause problems like: liver damage, bone thinning, reduced sexual functioning and more. This is why it is always recommended to take them with food.


If you choose to take the statin in pill form of liquid or tablets, make sure that the one you choose has a low dose


A high dosage can lead to liver toxicity, which can lead to problems like liver failure. Even if you do not have these complications, the effects may slow down the functions of your body and lead to other diseases.


Natural alternatives are also available. You can find a lot of information about these online and try some natural options for you to maintain good health.


Some of these options include: eating less fatty foods, drinking more water, taking supplements with vitamins such as Vitamin B12, and reducing the intake of sugar and fats from your diet. Eating more lean meats is a good start, as is eating more fruits and vegetables. Fruits, especially oranges, contain essential nutrients that can help to improve your liver and heart functions. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which help to protect against damage done by free radicals.


These natural alternatives can help you deal with the side effects of the statin. You can avoid the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases if you stick to a healthy diet and exercise regularly.


The best thing about natural supplements is that they are safe and do not have any side effects. Unlike synthetic statins that may cause side effects like liver damage, kidney failure and liver cancer.


Side effects caused by synthetic statins can be difficult to avoid. However, natural alternatives are easy to find. Natural supplements do not contain any synthetic ingredients and do not have any unwanted side effects. They help to keep your body healthy.


With the use of these natural alternatives, you will get all the benefits of a statin without any side effects and still enjoy the benefits of a healthy heart and liver. They also offer good nutrition that is essential for your overall health. You will also find them very helpful to treat obesity and other serious illnesses. This type of supplement can prevent and reduce the risks of osteoporosis, stroke and cancer.

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